Monday, October 12, 2009

Episode 5: The Path of The Shadow

Entheogens have been taken since the dawn of humanity as a way to connect with the spiritual dimensions. In this episode Michael narrates an experience with one of these medicinal plants, Slavia Divinorum. The experience takes place in a ritual context, seeking to explore the shadowy pathways that lead to early developmental wounds.

This episode features music from:

Track List:

efiel - scraps- dehydration

efiel - scraps - 2042

wasaru - undefinable scenes - temporary broken

silence - L'autre endroit - Larmes

NIN - Ghosts I-IV - 25 Ghost III

efiel - 2 - atari

Zentriert ins Antlitz - Diametral – Dynamic Planet

M.E.A. – Mysterious Sounds – Hypnotic

M.E.A. – Numerique – Atmosphere

efiel – 2 – etude

efiel – 2 - cela

1 comment:

  1. Just heard your interview with Mystic Minds Podcast. You are a very lucid conversationalist about esoteric matters. ANd you apparenly love Tool as much as I do. I am starting a podcast radio show. CHeck it out Make track requests, I would love to play some Tool eventualy. Blessings


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